Livingston Academy utilizes The Creative Curriculum, which is research based, research proven and comprehensive curriculum. The curriculum allows our staff to be the most effective, while still honoring each child’s creativity and respecting their critical role in making learning exciting and relevant. When a child is engaged, they are learning. Every classroom has a daily circle time consisting of songs and stories. Lesson plans include large group activities, small group activities, individual activities, as well as outdoor activities. Classrooms have multiple learning centers, enabling children to explore learning in different ways. It is important to remember that children learn a variety of concepts through play. These concepts include social, emotional and cognitive development.

Our VPK program utilizes the ELLM/Plus Curriculum. The Early Literacy and Learning Model/Plus (ELLM/Plus) is a research-based, comprehensive curriculum for 3-, 4-, and 5-year old preschool children that has been proven to be effective improving children's early reading achievement in an experimental study. The literacy-focused curriculum builds children's cognitive development through literacy, mathematics, science, social studies, the arts, motor experiences, and physical health. Children's acquisition of important cognitive and social/emotional development is facilitated through interactions with supportive teachers and other adults who encourage children's curiosity, persistence, and creativity by planning and implementing engaging activities and providing support during learning experiences. ELLM/Plus is designed to expand children's vocabularies and refine their understanding and comprehension of words they know and use.